The seminars online will be developed by lecturers doctors and/or experts in their field and their themes will revolve around any sporting phenomenon.
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I Edition Online Seminars Sports Research

From December 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023
Seminar online 1
Title: Ejercicio como terapia anti-envejecimiento.
Rappoteurs: Dr. Francisco J. Amaro Gahete. Universidad de Granada.

Francisco J. Amaro Gahete is a doctor in Biomedicina with a qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude. He is currently a profesor-researcher at the Department of Physiology of the Universidad de Granada. He is the autor of more tan 90 JCR scientific articles and more tan 50 communications in congress. He has made several stays internationals, highlighting those carried out at the University of Copenhagen (University top 1 in the area of Sports Sciences) and has participated in more tan 10 funded research projects. He has also recently received the “Fidel Fernández Osuna” award from the Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugia de Andalucía Oriental and the “PhD Academy Award” awarded by the British Journal of Sport Medicine (top 1 journal in the area of Sports Sciences) for the best doctoral tesis in sports medicine. Currently, his line of research focuses on the interaction between physical exercise and diet as a strategy to prevent and treat chronic cardio-metabolic diseases associated with the aging process.